Wednesday, January 2, 2008

HAPPY New Year!

Last night as I was going over my jury duty paperwork I realized I was summoned not just for jury duty, but for GRAND jury duty. Rather than serving for a few days, I could possibly get selected to serve NINETY days. NO THANKS!!!! This made me very nervous because I had no idea how the process worked. I didn't know if I'd have to turn up once a week for three months or what. So I spent the night freaking out...

This morning I dragged the kids into the subzero cold to their first day back to school/Y daycamp, dropped them off and headed downtown to the courthouse. I made my way to the jury room and watched Today for 20 minutes until the Guy in Charge started yakking about "What it means to be a Grand Juror." What it boiled down to was he wanted 16 volunteers. He got 9 or 10 and then threatened the rest of us with having a judge come down and select the rest. Fortunately, a few more people volunteered and he decided that was enough for now and that he'd try to nab some more out of the following week's Petit Jury pool. The rest of us were dismissed and told our $15 checks would be in the mail next week :)

That was it. I don't have to call or go back in or anything. I got to my car at 10am and called work. They already had scheduled a part-timer to work for me since no one knew when I'd be done. I was VERY happy when my boss told me I didn't need to come in today! I went to Target and Barnes and Noble BY MYSELF!!!! Now I'm going to spend the afternoon BY MYSELF and try to force myself to de-crapify my bedroom. Yeah. Good luck to me.


Kathy Schrenk said...

I'm into de-crapifying these days, too. Do you know about It is awesome! Good luck...

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.