Wednesday, May 28, 2008

awesome mistake :)

I'm on vacation! I'm on vacation!

When I picked Kaylin up from Latchkey tonight, I asked the head teacher (also the head lunch lady) about paying cash for the three lunches I owed for rather than putting $25 on Kaylin's online account. She wasn't busy so she took me over to her computer and said I could pay right then. She pulled up Kaylin's account, told me I owed (whatever) and asked if I wanted to go ahead and pay for tomorrow's lunch? Um, school's out at 9:45am tomorrow. No Susy, school's out at 9:45 on FRIDAY!!!

Seriously??? Yes, seriously. I don't know how I made this mistake, but I'm sure glad I did! Tomorrow is weed pulling project day at work. From 1-4pm, EVERYONE will be pulling weeds. Everyone but me, that is... I will be at home enjoying my first day of vacation WITHOUT KIDS!!!!!

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